Friday, 9 August 2019

Failure Mode Effect Analysis(continued)

Failure Mode Effect analysis  also helps in :

  1. Correctly identifies failure modes for  product functions
  2. Use data currently available in  company to calculate ability to detect product design related failure modes
  3. Accurately predict the likelihood of a design related root cause resulting in specific failure modes.
  4. Identify severity rankings for  specific failure modes for  product designs and manufacturing risks.
  5. Use local and or end user level effects to identify and manage product and manufacturing risks.
  6. Identify current controls for the design and manufacturing processes.
  7. Identify corrective actions that will improve manufacturing and design controls and eliminate the root causes of the identified Potential failure mode.
  8. Identify specific features producing functions for each manufacturing process steps and potential failure modes for each of these steps.
  9. Identify root manufacturing causes for  potential process failure modes.
  10. Assess the effectiveness of manufacturing controls to detect process failure modes.
  11. Determine the likelihood that a specific cause will result in process failure mode and the effects of that of failure mode on process and product. 

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